How to choose the right products to care for leather shoes

8.7. 2020
How to choose the right products to care for leather shoes

Leather shoes bring you lot of joy and with some care, they will keep bringing you more and more for a very long time. First-class shoe care products by Saphir give your shoes all the care they need. And they are made with natural products. Let's take a closer look at them.

Why you should care for your shoes and how can we help

  • Your skin and the leather of your shoes are, to a degree, similar - they both need nutrition. Unfortunately, leather can't get it on its own and then it cracks and ages faster. The conditioner nourishes your shoes and helps them keep their natural good looks. Shoe care starts with a good conditioner.
  • If you want to add a nice shine, you will need either cream polish, which gives your shoes subtle shine with a minimum of work and time, or wax, which requires a bit more skill and patience, but rewards you with a mirror shine.
  • You will also need a few tools; you can't very well work with your hands. The basic tool is a brush - it will both get rid of any dirt and shine your shoes. If you are looking for a professional shine, we suggest buying a polishing cloth.
  • If you need to clean your shoes from all the salt on winter pavements, there is salt and stain remover
  • And for the longevity of your leather soles, we offer sole guard.

Now let's talk about them in more detail.


Your skin and the leather of your shoes are, to a degree, similar - they both need nutrition. Unfortunately, leather can't get it on its own and needs a bit of help. Don't worry, it's not much work.

When you polish your shoes (once every week or two), you should treat them with a natural conditioner for leather footwear. It cleans any dirt and gives leather everything it needs. Conditioner is the perfect foundation. Brush or wash away any dirt, let the shoe dry and then apply the conditioner with a dauber or a cloth.


Cream Polish

We have added all the necessary nourishment and now we need to work on some shine. The usual suspect for this is cream polish. It contains some nourishment, but the main part is pigment. Pigment hides old scratches and gives your shoes a beautiful velvety shine. If there are no scratches to hide, you can use a neutral colour polish, which lets the natural colour of your shoes shine through. 

Take a look at this article on how to shine your shoes. It's actually quite easy.



For those of us who like our shoe to really shine, there is wax. The application of wax needs more skill and a lighter touch, but if you do it right you will be rewarded with shoes that are visible from outer space.

The best method to apply the wax, that works very well for us, is to pour little water into the top of the wax's container and alternate between applying wax and a few drops of water, that will help you spread the wax into a fine layer. Let each layer dry before applying the next. The rule of thumb is three layers are enough. Also remember to keep the layers as thin as possible - layers that are too thick are the most common mistake when waxing. 



Every old-fashioned man who takes good care of his shoes needs to have a nice brush. Ideally, it should have a wooden handle (so it looks well) and natural bristles (so it works well). It has two important functions: it cleans any dirt off your shoes and it shines them.   


Polishing Cloth

A polishing cloth is used to apply the needed product and to spread it into a thin and even layer. It should be made from cotton and clean, otherwise, your shoe might end up with an unwanted layer of different coloured wax or polish. You can use an old cotton T-shirt, but when you try to do things right, it is nice to rely on the help of professional tools.


Salt and Stain Remover

Salt and stain remover is an unsung hero of winter, which is the hardest time for shoes. Best case scenario, it's wet all the time and your sole take most of the damage. More likely, half-melted snow mixed with salt leaves stains all over your shoes. You can deal with salt stains with a vinegar solution, or you can follow the professionals once more and use a remover that is made for this exact situation.   


Sole Guard

Shoes with leather soles are a thing of beauty that knows no equal. When compared with rubber soles, leather soles are more delicate. It may be hard to hear, but they will not last forever no matter what you do and they will need to be re-soled. But this whole business can be postponed by using nourishing oil for soles, that will protect them and slow down their ageing.


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