Erbe Solingen Three-Piece Manicure Set in Dark Brown Leather Pouch

28.00 €
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About brand

Erbe Solingen manicure sets are made in Solingen, Germany, a statement that's hardly surprising. And Solingen has been the place to go to when one's in search of a high quality blade since Middle Ages. It were mostly swords people were looking for back then, but blade is still a blade, even when it serves a different purpose.

Your nails deserve the best care. And what other tool than the best one should one use when trying to achieve it. You see, in Solingen, Germany, the really do know how to craft the best blades (including swords). That's where we got this three-piece kit for you.

It comes in a durable leather case with metal studs.

Inside you will find:

  • Stainless steel manicure scissors
  • Stainless steel tweezer
  • Stainless steel nail file with plastic handle

Case length (closed): 10 cm

Case length (open): 18 cm

Scissors length: 9 cm

Set number: 9010

Made in Germany