Czech-made beard oil that is a cornerstone of beard care, just like family is the cornerstone of society. This one is all-natural and has a refreshing grapefruit & wood scent.
What is it good for?
Oil prevents oil from fraying and breaking plus it softens them and makes them easier to shape. It also helps nourish the skin underneath that otherwise tends to get dry and itchy, as anyone who ever tried growing a beard will confirm.
Why does it work?
Thanks to natural ingredients - it consists of sunflower, olive, argan and sweet almond oils. These are all rich in vitamins and essential fatty acids, ergo very helpful.
How to use?
You might know the drill already. Just rub a few drops of oil between your palms and then massage it into your beard. Repeat at least 2 or 3 times a week.
Volume: 30 ml
Made in Czech Republic